In Patient Department / Indoor services

A total of 200 beds are there in the impatient department of the hospital. Here 70% are non paying bed and 30% are paying bed. Among 200 bed, 120 bed allocated for male patient and 80 bed allocated for female patient. In year 2019, 4390 patients have taken services from our in patient department.
- Admission time for in patient 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (every working day) from out patientdepartment.
- Admission fee for non paying bed only 15/- (fifteen) taka.
- Rent for paying bed Tk. 275/- (two hundred seventy five) only for every day.
In patient admission under the department of:
- Adult psychiatry unit
- Child Adolescent and family psychiatry Unit
- Geriatric and Organic Psychiatric Unit
- Community and Social Psychiatry Unit
- Forensic Psychiatric Unit
- Psychotherapy, Clinical Psychology and Psychiatric Social Work Unit
- Addiction Psychiatry Unit